Monday, October 13, 2008

America Removes North Korea from the List of Terrorist Nations

We have NO transparency from the current administration as to how and why North Korea was taken off the list of terrorist sponsoring nations. Officially, the U.S. government confirmed back in 2007 that they would remove North Korea from the list- they didn’t- so why now ? The real story is the lousy reporting from the mainstream media which is not revealing to the public WHY being on the list of state sponsored terrorism was relevant or important. Here is the story to understand. Being put on the list of states that sponsor terrorism leads to some sanctions, mainly implemented by the USA. In the case of North Korea, most of those stated sanctions had little effect on North Korea, i.e. blocking companies doing business with North Korea, cutting tax credits, MFN, etc. which is basically meaningless for a country like North Korea with little to no economic ties to America. Where being on that list really hurt North Korea was the fact that it affected the import of luxury goods to the greedy North Korean leadership. The DPRK leadership imports thousands of pounds of gourmet foods, champagne, big screen TV’s, Mercedes cars, movies, Whiskey, etc. you get the picture- while their countrymen are starving- they are living the high life. These sanctions also included freezing their secret bank accounts around the world and having allied nations cancel visa’s of their children attending schools there. This is what really struck the North Korean leadership hard- and when the U.S. did not immediately lift these sanctions when promised several month ago, North Korea began to rebuild its water cooling tower and cut off Nuclear inspections. So it was the U.S. that reneged on the deal and forced North Korea’s hand to reverse course on halting their nuclear program- so the U.S. caved in and agreed on Oct. 11 to remove North Korea from the state sponsor list- now- France can now once again export the champagne and Foie gras and Germany its Mercedes luxury models (intelligence reports that the North Korean leadership plays with a 7,000 luxury Mercedes vehicle fleet), and the daily fresh lobster imported for the great one himself, Kim Jong-il. THAT- as Sharon Stone likes to say- is what the state sponsor terrorist list was all about for North Korea.

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