Friday, October 10, 2008

Macedonia Recognizes Kosovo

For a nation that doesn't even have a name, (Macedonia- recognized only as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYROM- because of Greek opposition to the use of the name- Macedonia which is also a northern province of Greece) it's a calculated step to please the US and EU.

Although Serbia lost the moral right to rule Kosovo, it certainly had its legal right stolen by the U.S. when it recognized Kosovo, leading many other countries to follow suit. There was no transparency to America's recognition of Kosovo, nor much media coverage or debate about the fact that recognition of Kosovo was a violation of European and International Laws, as well as the peace agreement that ended the conflict in Kosovo. Since new rules and precedents were written during and after the reunification of Germany at the two plus four talks, its out of the question that without Serbian agreement- Kosovo can be recognized as a sovereign state. U.S. miliary intervention to end Serbian rule in Kosovo was meant to protect the Albanian population and allow for the return of refugees- NOT to militarily force a split of the Serbian/Yugoslav nation state.

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