Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Auto Makers in Trouble; Good Let Them Fall

The arrogant Big Three may finally see their last days. The big three often gave America gas guzzling low quality high priced vehicles. In years with fat sales, they continually fail to put aside large funds to cover bottom cycles.

We don't need the vehicles of the Big Three, plenty of other car makers out there doing a better job, why should we keep afloat inefficient industrial dinosaurs alive ?

LNR must say, that it's finally payback from consumers, who were treated so rudely by dealerships when vehicles were flying out the door during the wealthy period of the real estate boom. Salespeople would sit in their swivel chairs not willing to hardly budge on prices, knowing that stock was low and therefore they were in the driver's seat- so to speak. They so foolishly ignored the knowledge that they are in, along with the airlines, a classical boom bust industry.

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