Thursday, March 12, 2009

LNR Right Again

Luko News Review (LNR) said more than two days ago, that because Mexico's drug
gangs had now become a serious threat to US Security, it is imperative that
the President sends a massive number of troops to the border. As LNR noted, it
would not be constitutional to use regular army troops for police action, and National Guard Units are not numerous enough and should remain ready to support
troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, Obama is "considering" moving "a small number" of National Guard Units to the border.

Well, as LNR likes to point out, it is the paramount job of the President to
protect that country, and a "small number" of troops are not enough. We must
take the threat seriously, and LNR advocated a large number of boots on the ground
because, just as Obama mentioned today, the border is extremely long. LNR also pointed out that employed is 'the' KEY factor in economic recovery, so why not
kill two birds with one stone, a massive hiring of people with some backgrounds in police, security, military, law enforcement, etc. and deploy them to the border. It is the DUTY of the President to take these measures quickly.

See LNR story below TWO days ago advocating sending troops to the border ( LNR is two days ahead of the President)

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