Thursday, March 12, 2009

United Nations said what ?

WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House objected Thursday to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's description of the United States as a "deadbeat" donor to the world body.

LNR’s author worked for the United Nations for 12 years. For the Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations to call the USA a “deadbeat” in paying its dues is one of the most incredible statements to come out of a Secretary General. As LNR’s author can personally testify, the UN is “the” “consummate” actor of corruption, greed, embezzlement, cheating, dirty politics and incompetency. In missions’ that the LRN author served in, i.e. the UNCRO (United Nations in Croatia Mission) was constantly being “saved” by monetary donations (voluntary contributions) by the United States to keep the mission going. The Mission in Bosnia where LNR’s author served in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, the mission would have collapsed without USA funding. Ban Ki Moon and his predecessors constantly fail to explain WHY the US is behind in contributions. It is because of the gigantic waste and corruption in various UN departments, the US must receive verifications before it can release funds to the UN.

If Ban Ki Moon and his predecessors ever find the strength and guts to clean up the UN, perhaps contributors would not be weary of giving their nations taxpayer dollars.

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